Don Peasley (he/him)



I consider myself an “accidental” teacher. Having loved the practice for over 10 years, I never even thought about becoming an instructor — perfectly comfortable with my spot in the back row. But a good friend suggested, okay, pressured me into Teacher Training — and it was life changing. I found myself in the Southfield Studio with 9 “strangers”, many who I now call dear friends. When our 3 months of pretty intense work was complete, a few of us decided to keep pushing — enjoying countless “feedbacks” where you have to trust each other to be both honest and kind. A few months later I woke up one day, at 4:30am actually, and the accident became a reality, as I taught my first 6am vinyasa class at Yoga Shelter.

I’ve grown a lot as a teacher since 2018, but even more as a person. This beautiful 4,000 year-old practice has seen much and has much to teach us all. I try to honor my training by leading classes that are technically sound, accessible to every level of yogi, and leave students feeling that the time spent on their mat gave them the space to grow.

I’m grateful that the Yoga Shelter gave me the opportunity to teach, and to The Universe for making this path available to me. And yeah, to my friend whose nudge into teaching helped me make one of the best decisions I have ever made.

Instagram: @whirleddpeas